Legal info

Company details

Address: IT = Services und Management (IT=SuM) UG
Wichernstrasse 40
D - 13587 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 333 098 12
Fax: +49 (0) 30 / 333 098 13
Registration #: 120 531, AG Berlin-Charlottenburg
VAT-ID: DE265457165
Director Thorsten J.R. Konrad
Content: Thorsten J.R. Konrad
Copyright: © 2009-2020 IT=Services und Management (IT=SuM) UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
DSGVO: Privat policy note:

This site does not use tracking tools. It is not collecting any data or sending cookies.

If you contact us using mail, fax, phone or post we will record and store electronically the data given below:
  • company name
  • contact (person) name and sex
  • company address
  • phone number
  • fax number
  • mail address
  • web site
  • date and way of contact
  • reason of contact
  • possibly an indexing contact number
The record will be deleted one year after the last contact. You may ask for deletion of your record at any time without any reason. If a business relations exits or will be established further data are part of your record:
  • accunting information
  • further contact-persons
  • branch addresses
  • branch phone numbers
  • branch fax numbers
  • branch mail addresses
  • branch web sites
  • an indexing customer number
These data will be stored untill the business relation ends. Because of legal necessities (i.e. tax office requirements) the record might be stored as a printout for the next 10 years.

The acitve record is stored in a single database with restriced access.
The record or parts of it will not be provided to any third party.